Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Dirt pit

I made a dirt pit at home and I use it with my toy mx bike. I am getting a new one, a KTM one. I have a Kawasaki one at the moment. I make jumps and tracks. The dirt pit is big. It is fun to play in.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Piggy book

Author, Anthony Browne. Why I think you should read PiggyBook. I think you should read Piggy Book  because it shows you need to appreciate a person who always is helping you and organising their day round you.
I know someone who I take for granted…
My Mum and Dad.

They take me to motocross. Make my lunch. Only my mum makes my lunch. Cook my meals. Mum does that too. But Dad does more the outside work while mum does the more inside work. Dad works on my motorbike.
Dad does inside work too but normally he is outside.
They are always working. 

The only time they get to themselves is at 9 o'clock at night because they are working at home to 8 o'clock at night. I get to bed about 8:30 at night.
Then they go in the shower and then it is 9 o'clock at night. 

And in there spare time at 9 o'clock at night they are making videos for friends. Talking to each other. On Facebook. And they do that to 9:50pm.  Then go to bed. But sometimes in that time they do stuff for me and my friends and their friends to 1 o'clock in the morning! That is their spare time. So I really take them for granted. I feel lucky with my parents.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Sunday, 18 October 2015



In the book Wonder... I think who has the best decision for August is the Mum. Not the Dad.
Why? Because the 10 year old boy August, the son, doesn't want to go to school. The Dad said, let the child decide. If he doesn't want to go to school, he doesn't have to. But the mum said, He has to go to school. And he does.

If he doesn't go to school he won't have a good education and he probably won't get a job when he is older...

If he does go to school and gets a good education he probably will get a job when he is older.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Cross Country

When I first take off from the start point at Cross Country, I will not go and sprint straight away. I will jog because if I sprint straight away, I will lose all my energy. When I am almost at the finish line, I will sprint and sprint and sprint... And hopefully I come in the top 5. 😃

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Honour flag Deno/Aidan


I think if we changed the NZ flag this would be my pick of choice. This flag reminds us of the soildiers that fought in the world wars.
This flag reminds us of the maori & the English. The red and black we think represents the Maori.
We think the silver fern represents the English. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


         + BY TEN & DIVIDED BY TEN

If you need to + by ten, you need to add a 0 to put it up a place value! It becomes easy when you have got the hang of it... 

                         DIVIDED BY TEN

If you need to divide by ten, you put it down a place value! It becomes easy when you have got the hang of it...

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

A land with a mystery


Monkey boy, the secret agent, thought something mysterious. He thought, why is everything basically food? He thought that someone might be controlling the weather?
It started to rain donuts. Monkey boy looked outside and saw someone high up in the air. Monkey boy thought it might be a weather machine. He said to himself, how am I going to get up there... He thought that he might go up that building and jump across on to the machine. He ran up the car park to the top of the building. The person looked guilty. Monkey boy thought he is up to something. He used his free running skills and jumped from the building to the machine. He climbed up the ladder and opened the door... The person in the machine opened the door and jumped out of the machine... Oh no said monkey boy. Monkey boy said to himself, where's he going to land? He landed into a foam pit at someone's house. I was about to jump out the door into the foam pit... I just clicked that I could answer my question up here in the machine. He looked at the buttons. The buttons all had a label saying words like donut, meat balls, baked beans. Monkey boy thought he might want to kill the nature life? So monkey boy jumped out the machine and landed in the foam pit. He ran out of the foam pit trying to track down the person in that machine. He couldn't see him anywhere. So he had spare $2 in his pocket. So he went to the dairy and brought a K bar. When I walked out the dairy he found the person in the machine... I ran after him. He ran away. This was just like cat vs mouse. Monkey boy could not believe his eyes when the person in the machine turned round and started to fight me! Monkey boy through a big punch. Machine boy punched me in the face and ran. I just took the pane and went home and waited for it to rain food so I could go to the machine and get him. 2 days later... I woke up and I heard a Big Bang on my roof. I looked outside and there's a big pancake on my roof. Then I realised that it was raining pancakes. I got out of my pjs and got in my Clothes for the day. I ran outside and ran up the car park and jumped from the building to the machine. I quietly climbed the ladder into the machine. He did not have any time to jump out the door. He said, sorry for the grief I caused you. I am so sorry. I said, I accept your apology. Monkey boy said, but I will make you go to court. 2 years later... Monkey boy was listening to the radio and heard that Bob got let out of jail. I thought that will be machine boy.
I wonder where my K bar has gone from 2 years ago... 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Motocross freestyle picture

Motocross freestyle

                                                      Motocross freestyle 

About to get on the mx bike. On the mx bike, all white noise. Feet off hands off, call it freestyle motocross. Crashes come, just a part of it. Shocks working hard. Doing tricks step by step. A big risk, freestyle motocross.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka - What Is It?

Kapa Haka is the term used for the Traditional Maori Performing Arts.

Unlike other indigenous dance forms, kapa haka is unique in the fact that the performers must sing, dance, have expression as well as movement all combined into each item.

Kapa Haka could be seen as sign language, as each action has a meaning, which ties in with the words. For example, if the hand is by the ear, this would probably tie in with the word whakarongo which means to listen.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The war


Lifeless trees, muggy skies. 
Bridge staying stiff with fear.
Bubbles of mud. 
Wind flying into the soldiers’ faces, 
making their eyes water. 
Pot holes filled with blood. 
Soldiers boots walking with nervousness.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


The food facts on the echidna.

It has a sticky tongue to help Catch its food.

The echidna has special features to help it Catch and eat food.

It has nostrils to help sniff out its food.

The echidna has no teeth and the echidna eats ants, termites and worms. YUK!!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

About me

I like to do motocross.
I have to pets called booboo and moon. They are cats.
I lIke to do the bike jump at school.
I like to teach people. I like to teach people because I like to help people.
I like to be a show off.u
My favorite sport is freerunning
I like frankly school because it has a bike jump.
I think I could try harder at school as a learner. Not talking to other people while not getting my work done.