Monkey boy, the secret agent, thought something mysterious. He thought, why is everything basically food? He thought that someone might be controlling the weather?
It started to rain donuts. Monkey boy looked outside and saw someone high up in the air. Monkey boy thought it might be a weather machine. He said to himself, how am I going to get up there... He thought that he might go up that building and jump across on to the machine. He ran up the car park to the top of the building. The person looked guilty. Monkey boy thought he is up to something. He used his free running skills and jumped from the building to the machine. He climbed up the ladder and opened the door... The person in the machine opened the door and jumped out of the machine... Oh no said monkey boy. Monkey boy said to himself, where's he going to land? He landed into a foam pit at someone's house. I was about to jump out the door into the foam pit... I just clicked that I could answer my question up here in the machine. He looked at the buttons. The buttons all had a label saying words like donut, meat balls, baked beans. Monkey boy thought he might want to kill the nature life? So monkey boy jumped out the machine and landed in the foam pit. He ran out of the foam pit trying to track down the person in that machine. He couldn't see him anywhere. So he had spare $2 in his pocket. So he went to the dairy and brought a K bar. When I walked out the dairy he found the person in the machine... I ran after him. He ran away. This was just like cat vs mouse. Monkey boy could not believe his eyes when the person in the machine turned round and started to fight me! Monkey boy through a big punch. Machine boy punched me in the face and ran. I just took the pane and went home and waited for it to rain food so I could go to the machine and get him. 2 days later... I woke up and I heard a Big Bang on my roof. I looked outside and there's a big pancake on my roof. Then I realised that it was raining pancakes. I got out of my pjs and got in my Clothes for the day. I ran outside and ran up the car park and jumped from the building to the machine. I quietly climbed the ladder into the machine. He did not have any time to jump out the door. He said, sorry for the grief I caused you. I am so sorry. I said, I accept your apology. Monkey boy said, but I will make you go to court. 2 years later... Monkey boy was listening to the radio and heard that Bob got let out of jail. I thought that will be machine boy.
I wonder where my K bar has gone from 2 years ago...